Thursday, July 18, 2013

Personal Training

Hair stylists don't cut their own hair, wedding planners usually don't plan their own weddings, OBs don't deliver their own babies...

Even though I am a personal trainer, I find it hard to train myself really hard.  So I'm thinking of hiring my own personal trainer for a few sessions to try to shock my body to get it back to shape.  If I can just get a swift kick in the ass, I think I can find the motivation to continue my training.

I'm also about 95% sure I am going to run the Shawnee half marathon in Harrisburg this fall.  Check out their Facebook page here to stay informed of happenings and group training information.  I have gone back and forth on whether or not I want to do this.  It's just a half and I know I can finish with even minimal training, but
1. I don't want to get hurt and
2. I don't want to run so bad that I felt like I wasted my time.
I have about 3 months to train if I get started next week.  It's harder to make time for the runs now and to my surprise, it's not because of having two kids, but because of having a husband who works midnights.  I never even thought how this would affect my workouts.  I am an evening runner, always have been.  But now, even if I wanted to go in the morning before work, I can't do that because he's not home.  It's weird having to schedule around that.

Please know that I'm not complaining.  My husband's career is very important to both of us.  I just really thought "oh, this will be hard getting the girls to bed" or "it will be hard doing supper and bath time".  It never dawned on me that I would have to find a new time to workout.

The only time I'm finding now is lunch time.  Next week, I'm going to start utilizing my lunch hour to try to get a 45 minute or so workout or run in a few days a week.  We'll see how it goes.

As far as my training, I'll keep you all informed of my progress.  :)

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