Friday, March 14, 2014

The Importance of Cross Training

As a runner, sometimes that's all I want to do.  I was never a huge fan of yoga, or biking, or the elliptical, until the past few years.  Running can really tear down your body if you don't complement it with other things.  It's great for your cardiovascular health, and great for toning leg muscles and core muscles, but there are ways that you can strengthen your body to help with the grinding that comes with running.

Several years ago, I was the in the best shape of my life.  I was running, doing Pilates, and doing ab work.  I could run pain free and faster than I had since my early high school years.  For some reason, I got away from that, I can't for the life of me figure out why.  Then I just ran.  I ran and got hurt.  I trained slow, struggling to get anything done.  Last year I started teaching Pilates and spin class.  I felt great again. Even though strength training was on the back burner, I was still getting stronger and leaner.

After I had my second baby last spring, I started with the running again.  Running is what's important to me, it's what I love.  Not to mention, it was the only thing I had time for.  If I got to squeeze a workout in, it was definitely going to be running.

I started back teaching Pilates and Yogalates this winter.  It's the best thing that could've happened to me.  After taking some time off from running because of the busy life of being a mom, I decided I had to make time to exercise.  I wanted to set a good example for my kids.  Now after having two babies and being almost 30 years old, I'm running faster than I have since high school.  I'm feeling great.  I'm honestly shocked most days when I hit one mile, two miles, three miles and hear my splits.  I can't believe it.

I run 3-4 days a week, do Pilates and Yogalates, and try to XT as much as possible.  I've also been taking doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality Pack.  These multivitamins are the bomb diggity.  These are the only things that I have changed in my life and it's obviously working!  They give me the energy I need to do anything!

So remember the next time that you're training for some kind of running race, remember to get on the elliptical, go to spin class, swim laps, go to yoga or Pilates, or go for a hike.  Do anything to switch it up for your body.  It will benefit more than you can ever imagine!