Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rest Day

Did you know that rest days are even more important than your workout days?  During rest days, your body recovers and repairs all of the microtears that have happened during your previous workouts.  Rest days are actually when your body gets stronger.

Sometimes it's so hard for me to take a rest day and other days I'd like to take a few in a row.  :)  Working out every day is not good for your body.  You have to let your muscles recover.  That my friends is when stuff happens!

That being said, I may do a quick ab workout for today, since I've done cardio for three days in a row.  Rest my running muscles and work my core!  I may do a Pilates routine.  Then next time I go for a run, I will be able to do a little more and go a little faster!

Here is a little article from LiveStrong on rest days and why they are important!

1 comment:

  1. love this new blog! i will need all this info and motivation for after i have this baby!
