Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DARE-cember Catch Up

6th - Boots
I don't have a picture because I was driving ALL day, but I wore my favorite little slipper boots for my travels!

7th - Dress
Again I don't have a picture because I was on the road doing a presentation and taking a picture of myself was the last thing on my mind.  I wore black leggings, tall black boots, and a gray shirt/dress.

8th - Necklace stack
Excuse the picture taken in the car, but it was the last opportunity to snap the pic.

9th - Braid
Well after I took the picture above, I got my baby in the house only to find out she was running a fever and pretty sick.  The next few days I stayed in pajamas and never left the house.  :(

10th - Red Nail Polish
I did find time to paint my nails.

11th - Vintage
I wonder if I could my 1990s tshirt that I wore to comfort a sick baby as "vintage".  LOL

12th - Animal Print
I went double duty today.  Sadly I don't have pictures.  I wore cheetah earrings to work, then had to teach Pilates that night and wore a super cute animal print shirt that my mother-in-law got me for my birthday to teach Pilates.  I rocked it.  :)

13th - All Black
SOOOOOO easy for me.  Sorry that the picture is in the bathroom.

14th - Curls
I curled my hair about as "curly" as it would go...

15th - Arm Party
To be honest, we had a lot going on this weekend and the last thing I thought about was the DARE-cember challenge.  I wore sweats to my brother's basketball game, if that tells you anything.  My kid was sick again that night.

16th - Stripes
Once again, barely got myself up out of bed to get to church (without my sick kid and husband).  No stripes today....

17th - A New Hairstyle
ummmm...I cut my bangs a few weeks ago.  Does that count?  I know I know, I'm falling off the bandwagon now.  I'm gonna get back to it.

18th - Patterned
Ok I promise this is the last day for an excuse.  :(

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