Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time for Some Track Workouts

CrossFit seems to be the rage nowadays.  I have to say, it's pretty awesome!  I love the strength paired with the cardio.  It's right up my alley!  In February, however, I hurt my back deadlifting.  Since then, I have been battling to make it better.  There are certain things I can do without pain, most involve no weights whatsoever.  I've had to come up with some new workouts that I can do that still challenge my body, but don't strain the muscles in my back.  I wanted to share for those of you who may not want to use a lot of weights (which by the way is WON'T get HUGE) or who also have bad backs.

I do these workouts at the track, but you can do them indoors with a dreadmill and boxes.  Since it's nice, I choose to be outside as much as possible!

Workout #1
400m run (jog or walk for those who aren't used to cardio)
10 bleachers (run up the bleachers or football stands 10 times)
10 push-ups
20 crunches (normally I would do sit-ups, but sit-ups aren't good on the lower back - do what is      comfortable, yet challenging)
20 box jumps (I used a bench, the tallest one I could find)

4 rounds

End with a 400m run.

So you will start with a 400 and end with a 400 (5 altogether)

Workout #2 - This requires dumbbells
400m run
10 hammer curls
20 crunches
10 tricep dips (use a the bench you jumped on for workout #1)
20 push-ups

5 rounds

Workout #3
5 bleachers
5 bleacher jumps (two foot jump up the bleachers - if you can't do this, just do the regular bleachers)
10 push-ups
10 lunges (each leg)
800m run

4 rounds

Workout #4
200m run (sprint if you can)
10 squats (body weight)
10 push-ups

5 rounds

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