Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Traveling and Exercising

These two don't mix in my book!  They just don't.  No matter how much I think that "next time will be better", it's not.  By the time I get out of my house and travel 6 hours in a car, the only thing I want to do is relax in the hotel room.  Most hotels don't have the greatest fitness rooms and their treadmills are from 1924.  Even if it was a super nice treadmill, I still wouldn't like to get on it because for some reason treadmills hurt my body.  I can't run as fast, as far, or as easily.  I end up with a terrible side stitch before I even make it a mile.  That's  just frustrating to me.

Then comes your next question.  Why don't you just go outside and run.  Well, some most of the places I go, unfortunately, do not have the safest environments to do this.  Back when I was just a single girl, I may or may not have just gone out for a run anywhere I semi felt safe.  Now that I am a wife and mother, I feel a little more important!  HAHAHA  I know, I know...

So this past week, I was gone.  It was detrimental to my workout routine.  I was lazy and more lazy.  By Wednesday, however, I was able to force myself out the door of the hotel and get out on my feet.  Thankfully, I was in Champaign and VERY familiar with the University of Illinois campus.  I took myself on a 10K trip down memory lane.  It was a very relaxing and much needed run.  This week I'm aiming to get back on track.

You've heard me rave about the Nike Training Club app for iPhone before.  Yesterday my friend/coworker/lunchtime workout buddy Sarah and I hit the gym for a quick arm workout.  We used the NTC app and did the "Arm Definer".  While I will admit that I am a little sore today, which I love, it was my favorite routine.  It was 15 minutes (which we loved), but went on a 5 move repeat.  We had to do each of the moves three different times.  I'm not big on repeating, especially the moves that I don't like. :)  But we got through it and like I said, it worked because I am sore today.

Today I'm hoping to do a long run.  Since I'm not training for anything right now, I'm considering anything from 5 miles up a long run.  This sometimes makes me smile since I can remember a time not too long ago when my long runs were 15 miles and up.  There will come a time in my life when that is the case again, but not now.  I'm concentrating on other parts of fitness now as well as just flat out being happy!! :)

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