Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DARE-cember Catch Up

6th - Boots
I don't have a picture because I was driving ALL day, but I wore my favorite little slipper boots for my travels!

7th - Dress
Again I don't have a picture because I was on the road doing a presentation and taking a picture of myself was the last thing on my mind.  I wore black leggings, tall black boots, and a gray shirt/dress.

8th - Necklace stack
Excuse the picture taken in the car, but it was the last opportunity to snap the pic.

9th - Braid
Well after I took the picture above, I got my baby in the house only to find out she was running a fever and pretty sick.  The next few days I stayed in pajamas and never left the house.  :(

10th - Red Nail Polish
I did find time to paint my nails.

11th - Vintage
I wonder if I could my 1990s tshirt that I wore to comfort a sick baby as "vintage".  LOL

12th - Animal Print
I went double duty today.  Sadly I don't have pictures.  I wore cheetah earrings to work, then had to teach Pilates that night and wore a super cute animal print shirt that my mother-in-law got me for my birthday to teach Pilates.  I rocked it.  :)

13th - All Black
SOOOOOO easy for me.  Sorry that the picture is in the bathroom.

14th - Curls
I curled my hair about as "curly" as it would go...

15th - Arm Party
To be honest, we had a lot going on this weekend and the last thing I thought about was the DARE-cember challenge.  I wore sweats to my brother's basketball game, if that tells you anything.  My kid was sick again that night.

16th - Stripes
Once again, barely got myself up out of bed to get to church (without my sick kid and husband).  No stripes today....

17th - A New Hairstyle
ummmm...I cut my bangs a few weeks ago.  Does that count?  I know I know, I'm falling off the bandwagon now.  I'm gonna get back to it.

18th - Patterned
Ok I promise this is the last day for an excuse.  :(

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5th - Brooch

Scored some new clothes at a consignment shop in Metropolis. Love the place! This is the ONLY brooch I have so I had to work with it. :)

Picture in my office. Ignore the background... :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th - "On Your Head"

Simple...I wore a headband. Terrible picture...don't judge me.

DARE-cember Challenge

If you followed my other blog when I'm doing a challenge, you know I'm not the greatest at keeping it updated.  I'm going to at least try to take a picture everyday and tweet it even if I don't get it posted everyday.  I missed the first 3 days...ooops, not off to a good start.  BUT, I got on board today.  Ready to go.  Here's the list!  Make your December daring with style!

And here is the blog where I got this.  They have several ideas for you in case you have a stylistic brain fart that day.  :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Working out and Pregnancy

I need to first make a couple of statements.  You should not work out if your doctor has told you not to.  You should also not do any types of workouts that you were not doing BEFORE you got pregnant.  You should always use common sense when performing exercises while pregnant.  For example, don't do poses on your stomach if you are to the point in your pregnancy where it's uncomfortable to lay on your stomach.  Don't over exert yourself.  Always keep your heart rate at a responsible level and don't over heat your body.

Here's a little of what I do and let me just say that it is WHAT I DO.  I'm not a doctor and I'm not telling you that you need to do this.  Always check with your doctor to see what you can and cannot do.

I teach Pilates 3 days a week.  There are days that I can do more and days I have to do less reps and teach by voice, not example.  Some days I feel great, others not so much.  I have eliminated moves that require laying on your belly.  If I do feel like doing those during a session, now I simply describe the pose, rather than show it.  I am still doing as much ab work as I was at the beginning and before my pregnancy.  The stronger my core is the better and hopefully the easier or even shorter my labor will be.  Again, I do nothing that is uncomfortable.  If something starts to hurt, quit immediately.  Know the difference between soreness and pain.  Being sore from a workout is usually ok.  Pain is not.  They even make prenatal Pilates and prenatal yoga videos that you can do.

I am also still running.  I have been a runner my whole life and was not about to stop when I got pregnant.  When I was pregnant with my first baby I ran through my entire pregnancy.  I went 6 miles on a Saturday and went into labor the following Monday.  My doctor told me that it definitely helped with my labor.  This is not a guarantee.  Some people can sit on the their asses their whole pregnancy and still only labor for a few hours.  Then there are some who are super active and still have a long labor.  Just remember, you may be doing it for the labor benefits, but it's actually helping your body throughout pregnancy and for post-partum recovery.  You may bounce back you pre-pregnancy shape quicker than you would've had you stopped working out...you may not.  It also helps your blood flow through your body and to your babe.

As far as running goes, you may be concerned with mileage.  Again, unless you run marathons for a living, I wouldn't recommend training for a race like this while pregnant.  If you're used to running distances as far as 5, 6, 7 miles, then test yourself and see if you can still go for it.  Just don't expect to be running the same times as you were before.  What used to take you 50 minutes may now take you over an hour.  At this point, you shouldn't be pushing any limits.  Keep your baby safe in there.  You may also notice that you may have to...GASP...stop and walk every once in a while.  Something you NEVER used to let yourself do.  This happened to me several time when I was pregnant with Lila.  I would get a side stitch and just stop and walk for a couple minutes.  It didn't kill me.  :)

It's also safe to continue weight training if you were training before pregnancy, although I would lay off heavy squats.  By the second trimester, I would think you would mostly be going for keeping your body toned and not trying to build a lot of muscle.  I'm not huge on weight training right now, just really focusing on my core strength.

So the BIGGEST thing to remember and consider is what your body may be telling you while working out.  If you're used to "pushing through" like I am, it's a hard pill to swallow, but it's not just you now.  You have to remember that more so than usual, if something is telling you to chill, you probably need to.  Don't push too hard and remember what is really important.  You don't want to do more harm than good.

To reiterate what I said before, this is simply what I can do.  You may be able to do more or you may have to do less.  If you can just walk a little every day, it could help.  But make sure to go over this with your doctor and before you start any kind of workout regimen while pregnant.  I "check in" with my doc every month and just let them know that I am still teaching Pilates and still running, just so they know.  Let them know what's going on with you or they can't help!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Crafts, Workouts, and Pregnancy...lately

I know it's been a while, but I've been super busy working my full-time job, teaching Pilates, being the wife of a nursing student and the mother of a toddler with an attitude. Add to my list of job duties carrying our family's next baby and that all equals one tired lady!  Whew!  For those of you don't already know, I'm pregnant with our second child and am due May 7th, 2013.  We are so excited be expanding our family and Lila is already being a great big sister.  She tells me all the time how much she is going to help when the baby finally gets here.  :)  I have no doubt that she will be a great deal of help.

Moving on, I've been trying to get more and more crafts and work done around the house.  When Neil goes to work, I get all gung-ho about doing stuff.  About a month ago, I moved some things around the house to try to make room in our third bedroom for the new baby.  I installed a ceiling fan (that I'm quite shocked still works LOL).  I moved my sewing/craft desk into our bedroom.

I made a floor mat for the utility room out of river rocks that I wanted to repurpose.  I don't have a picture of mine, but this is where I got the idea!

I made Monster juice drinks for Lila's Halloween party at school!

I found this pattern for crocheting flowers that I'm going to stitch on to the headband ear muffs that I made.  My co-worker Sandy helped teach me how to do the stitches correctly.  I have made several now.  I hope they will turn out as cute as I want them to.  :)  I'll be sure to post a pic of the complete finished product.

As far as workouts go, I've been trying to keep running and stay active as much as possible during this first part of pregnancy.  On Friday, I'll officially be in my second trimester.  WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!! I've been doing much better this time as far as the exhaustion goes.  At this point with Lila, I was still in hibernation.  LOL  I'm still teaching Pilates and I'm wanting to try to start running more, but between that and personal training, I don't think I'd EVER see my family.  I'll continue to try to get my run on during my lunch hour.  Any advice on this would be great!  Thanks!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I know, I know...it has been about a month since I last updated.  Things have been crazy in my life for the past several weeks.  I'm hoping that I'm getting back in line and ready to keep truckin'.  I am about 8 or 9 weeks into my Pilates class that I have been teaching at my local gym.  I knew that this was something I really wanted to do, but I have to admit, I was a little nervous about how time consuming it would be with a toddler and an husband in school. It has all worked out tremendously.  Neil has helped so much and Lila loves spending time with Daddy.

In this post I'd just like to share with you some of my most favorite Pilates moves.  I LOVE the moves that really work you abs too.  Pilates is a great way to work your core as well as improving flexibility allowing your muscles to do so much more!

Top 10 Favorite Pilates moves:
10 - Swimming
  9 - Shoulder Bridge with Leg Raises
  8 - Single Straight Leg Stretch
  7 - Double Straight Leg Stretch
  6 - Rolling Like a Ball
  5 - The Rollup
  4 - Plank
  3 - Side Kick Series
  2 - The Hundred
  1 - The Teaser

Try them and see which ones are your favorites!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Ahhhhh....stretching is so good for you!  It's funny how you think you're in pretty good shape and pretty flexible and then you go and really teach a pretty hard core Pilates class.  Not so much.  I'm still feeling the loveliness of my class on Saturday.  It feels great to stretch muscles you didn't even know you had.  Cycling was awesome too.  Of course it's easy to teach a class when you have stellar people taking the class!  Great energy and such positive attitudes!  So much fun!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Teaching Classes

This week is the first week of teaching my group fitness classes at our local gym, Egyptian Fitness Center.  So far I have only taught the lunchtime spin class.  We had a couple of people show which is fine and we all had a great workout and a great time!  I'm hoping that more will be able to join us.  If you're in the area, come and get in a quick cardio workout.  Tuesday and Thursday from 12:15-12:30.  :)

Tomorrow I have my very first morning, one hour spin class.  I'm much more nervous for this.  I have confidence in the teaching, but this class is an hour long...much different than a 30 minute spin class.  Then, I have my very first ever Pilates class after spin.  I am super duper nervous about this one because I have never done this.  I know all the moves that I need, I am just nervous that the people won't like my class!  :(  I'm so hoping that it will all go fine.

Come experience my first sessions with me!  We should have a lot of fun!

Among many other opportunities for group sessions, mine will be held at the following times:
Spin: Tuesday & Thursday 12:15-12:30
         Saturday 8:00-9:00
Pilates: Monday & Wednesday 5:30
         Saturday 9:15

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Traveling and Exercising

These two don't mix in my book!  They just don't.  No matter how much I think that "next time will be better", it's not.  By the time I get out of my house and travel 6 hours in a car, the only thing I want to do is relax in the hotel room.  Most hotels don't have the greatest fitness rooms and their treadmills are from 1924.  Even if it was a super nice treadmill, I still wouldn't like to get on it because for some reason treadmills hurt my body.  I can't run as fast, as far, or as easily.  I end up with a terrible side stitch before I even make it a mile.  That's  just frustrating to me.

Then comes your next question.  Why don't you just go outside and run.  Well, some most of the places I go, unfortunately, do not have the safest environments to do this.  Back when I was just a single girl, I may or may not have just gone out for a run anywhere I semi felt safe.  Now that I am a wife and mother, I feel a little more important!  HAHAHA  I know, I know...

So this past week, I was gone.  It was detrimental to my workout routine.  I was lazy and more lazy.  By Wednesday, however, I was able to force myself out the door of the hotel and get out on my feet.  Thankfully, I was in Champaign and VERY familiar with the University of Illinois campus.  I took myself on a 10K trip down memory lane.  It was a very relaxing and much needed run.  This week I'm aiming to get back on track.

You've heard me rave about the Nike Training Club app for iPhone before.  Yesterday my friend/coworker/lunchtime workout buddy Sarah and I hit the gym for a quick arm workout.  We used the NTC app and did the "Arm Definer".  While I will admit that I am a little sore today, which I love, it was my favorite routine.  It was 15 minutes (which we loved), but went on a 5 move repeat.  We had to do each of the moves three different times.  I'm not big on repeating, especially the moves that I don't like. :)  But we got through it and like I said, it worked because I am sore today.

Today I'm hoping to do a long run.  Since I'm not training for anything right now, I'm considering anything from 5 miles up a long run.  This sometimes makes me smile since I can remember a time not too long ago when my long runs were 15 miles and up.  There will come a time in my life when that is the case again, but not now.  I'm concentrating on other parts of fitness now as well as just flat out being happy!! :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


The weather is cooling down (slightly) and even though summer is my favorite season, fall is starting to reach it.  the older I get, I start longing for fall.  I think these days, it's because I know I get so wear boots, cute jeans, long sleeves (without a jacket) and fashion is so hot for fall!  I created a some new outfits today that, of course, I can't afford, but I'm going to try to match them as best as I can.  So excited!

Casual Fall outfit

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Monday

Monday through Friday I usually need to get my workout in at lunch. About a month ago I found this great app that Nike has. I already have and have been using the Nike+ Running app. I love it. It's great to track your miles and help you set goals for yourself. You can earn badges for doing more and more workouts. The app is called Nike Training Club. If you have an iPhone, download it now! It's free.

Today I did the 30 min workout called Squat Party. Loved it! I do these workouts on a Reebok Core Board at my gym. I try to use it as much as possible. It works wonders for your balance and core strength. My friend and personal training mentor, Rebecc Wyatt Meyer, introduced me to the awesomeness of this board. I love it!!!! If you haven't done a workout on it, you need to. It works your while body. Here are some of the other workouts I've done as well. My only complain is that they only have one "ab" targeted workout.

I also got to do my first personal training session with a client tonight. I must say, she is an amazing hard worker and I think we are gonna reach every goal we set. I'm excited about our future.

Last, but definitely not least, I tried out my spin class routine on my husband. I gotta tell ya, he did great too. Now I just need to try out my first Pilates routine on him and see how he does. He's such a good guinea pig!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rest Day

Did you know that rest days are even more important than your workout days?  During rest days, your body recovers and repairs all of the microtears that have happened during your previous workouts.  Rest days are actually when your body gets stronger.

Sometimes it's so hard for me to take a rest day and other days I'd like to take a few in a row.  :)  Working out every day is not good for your body.  You have to let your muscles recover.  That my friends is when stuff happens!

That being said, I may do a quick ab workout for today, since I've done cardio for three days in a row.  Rest my running muscles and work my core!  I may do a Pilates routine.  Then next time I go for a run, I will be able to do a little more and go a little faster!

Here is a little article from LiveStrong on rest days and why they are important!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hey y'all!  Thanks for stopping by!  I've started this blog to share the things I'm passionate about in life;  working out, running, fitness in general, crafting, music, my experiences as a wife and mother.  I have another blog that started out as an online diary/documentation of my life with my daughter Lila.  I started to stray from that and decided that I would start a new blog for my personal stuff.  I hope everyone enjoys "running" with me here!

My goals are to post workouts, running plans, craft ideas, recipes, etc...whatever comes to my mind.  I'm very excited about it all!

I don't do an extreme amount of exercising; I'm not super crazy, but if you are just a normal person wanting to start getting in shape and your doctor gives you the ok, try to do some of the workouts I post.  My hope is to at least give y'all some motivation to get up and do something active!